Passage Arts

20th Century Decorative Arts


Daum Frères et Cie., 1878-present.

Jean Daum (1825-1885) , former notary, takes over the glass factory Verreries Sainte Catherine in Nancy in 1878 which is proceeded by his son Auguste in 1885, two years later to be joint by his brother Antonin. Now the factory is called Daum frères et Cie.
Initially begun as producers of drinking gear they soon started to make higher standard glass such as table services in more elaborated forms.
Stimulated by the success of the colored and popular Art Nouveau glass by Emile Gallé, more and more artistic objects of high quality found there way out of the factory.
The early pieces were presented in Chicago (1893), Lyon and Nancy (1894) Bordeaux (1895), Paris (1896) and Brussels (1897).
With the arrive of Jacques Gruber in 1893 asa chief decorator and later Henri Bergé, who took over in 1897 till 1910, Daum establishes itself definetively in the world of art glass.
Technique developes quickly from enamel decorated glass to more advanced pieces, as multi layer colored etched and grinded and polished glass, marqueterie-sur-verre and pâte de verre. Also high complexed items with intercalair decorations show great skill and artistic feeling.
Like in the work of Gallé also the decorations of Daum were inspired by nature.
Specially the small elegant vases with etched and enameled decorations of flowers and landscapes are very wanted as for their refinemnet and colorite.

Items by Daum

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