Passage Arts

20th Century Decorative Arts

Gerhard Schliepstein

Gerhard Schliepstein (1886 in Braunschweig; † 1963 in Berlin) was a German sculptor and designer, as well as a porcelain modeller from the Art Deco period.

Gerhard Schliepstein had his first education as a sculptor with Wilhelm Bayern, after which he visited the Acadamy for Plastic Arts in Berlin from 1907.
After his study he started as free artist inBerlin-Friedenau and designed from 1911 naturalistic porcelain figures that were executed at KPM Berlin and later as well at Schwarzburger Werkstätten für Porzellankunst in Unterweissbach en Porzellanmanufactur Heubach in Lichte.
He worked mainly in porcelain and more rarely in bronze and alabaster. Until half way the 20s he designed mostly naturalistic animal figures.
Max Schneider, at that time head of the Kunstabteilung of Philip Rosenthal AG, encouraged him to design expressionism figures in white glazed porcelain. He managed to commit Schliepstein to work exclusively for Rosenthal, were he designed from 1925 to 1937 62 models.
The lean and elegant white glazed porcelain figures were characteristic for his work in that period. From 1925 his designs were exposed in tthe Leipziger Messe.
Nowadays his work is shown in many musea, as for instance the Porzellanicon in Selb, the Bröhan museum in Berlin and the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney.
In international auctions his work is quite popular and realise serious prices.

Items by Gerhard Schliepstein

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