Passage Arts

20th Century Decorative Arts

Charles Schneider

Charles Schneider (1881-1953) was an Art Deco glass artist, born in Elzas, Germany, and later moved to Nancy, the most important city in the east of France at the time.

He took lessons in drawing and model theory at Henry Bergé and studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nancy, later in Paris.
In 1913 he and Ernest bought a small glass factory in Epinay-sur-Seine, where they produced mainly electric lamp bulbs. The factory had to close as result of the 1st World War in 1914.
After the demobilisation they re-opened the factory under the name Societé Anonyme de Verreries Schneider, where they produced vases in Art Nouveau style, specially with floral and animal decorations in cameo technique. He took advantage of a fire at the Gallé factory in 1918, after which many labourers came to the factory to continue production, by adopting the skills of making high standard glass techniques , such as marqueterie-sur-verre.
Apart from the popular vases decorated with internal glass powders ("Jades"), they produced a series of vases under the name "Le Verre Français" that where made of multilayer etched and colored glass with mostly stylized decorations of flowers, and sometimes animals.
Very wanted and hard to find are the precious small items in the "Bijoux" series, mostly small vases and perfume bottles, sometimes fruits, mader in so called "Chalumeau" technique. Executed in wonderful colors and often decorated with applied glass fragments.

Items by Charles Schneider

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