Passage Arts

20th Century Decorative Arts

René Jules Lalique

René Lalique was a french art nouveau gold- and silver smith.

In 1882 he becomes free lance designer at several houses and four years later he opened his first own company. In 1890 he was regarded as one of the the most influential jewel designers of the French art nouveau.
Many of his Jewels he made in order of Sarah Bernardt and the famous armenian art collector Calouste Gulbenkian.
He made innovative designs for the Paris shop of Samuel Bing: La Maison de l'Art Nouveau.

Lalique made in 1929 glass panels for the Oriënt Express and windows for the Sainte Niçaise in Reims. For the St Matthew's Church in Millbrook on Jersey (The Glass Church) he designed a glass interior; in the church are amongst others a glass baptism font and four huge glass angels.

On the climax of its success the factory of Lalique in Wingen-sur-Moder had more then 600 employees.
after his death, his son Marc retook the production of the factory, that was closed during WW 2.

Items by René Jules Lalique

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